Ecology |
added: 3/14/2006
Publishes original scientific research into the ecology of the animals and plants of Africa. |
added: 3/14/2006
A Journal of research papers, review articles, short communications, book reviews etc . Focus on applied ecological, environmental, biomathematical and informatical or multidisciplinary agricultural research of international interest. |
added: 3/14/2006
Journal dealing with scientific or cultural aspect of arctic, Antarctic, and alpine environments ,their sub- environments, and paleoenvironments. |
added: 3/14/2006
Quarterly print and online publication providing all aspects of ecological restoration. Publishes articles on ecological restoration and its implications for reestablishing the link between post-modern humans and the environment. |
added: 3/14/2006
A journal for integrative science for resilience and sustainability. |
added: 3/14/2006
Publishes papers in ecology across all taxa and levels of biological organization, emphasizes on physiological ecology, evolutionary ecology, mechanistic community ecology, ecological functional genomics, and ecosystem function. |
added: 3/14/2006
Publishes the best in original research on any aspect of animal ecology |
added: 3/14/2006
International journal that combines the highest standards of ecological science with direct relevance to environmental management. |
added: 3/14/2006
Provides information about classes, events, news, research, education and bookstore. |
added: 3/14/2006
Aims to magazines digital distribution easy . Offers digital edition of magazines viz. Ethnology Ecology & Evolution and Tropical Zoology. Free issues also available. |
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